Friday, 16 October 2015

Prelim Task: Editing

After we finished filming our footage for our prelim task, we went to the editing suite to start post production. We first were taught how to use the editing program, Adobe Premiere, to cut our footage together and make it flow smoothly from one shot to another. We learnt how to choose when we wanted a shot to start/end by pressing 'i' on the keyboard when we wanted the shot to start and 'o' when we wanted it to cut, standing for 'in' and 'out'. We started with a shot of one of the actors walking through the door and then cut to a shot of her walking towards the other actor. Even though we filmed the shot walking through the door in a different part of the room and after we had filmed the next scene, it still looked like she was walking in as we edited it into the beginning of the scene.

We were careful to put our cuts in the right places and fit them in with the dialogue to ensure the whole scene flowed together and held continuity. We did this by watching through each shot and cutting and pasting in at the same points of dialogue. It was really helpful having shot each scene with the full script as it meant we could reuse shots and had a lot of freedom as to what our final product would look like.

We worked in a group of three rather than a one or two, which proved more difficult for me as it slowed the whole process down. However, we all had a go at editing and helped each other out, putting all our knowledge together giving us a nice final outcome.

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